一 C#中Drap and Drop的用法
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
listView1.View = View.List;
listView2.View = View.List;
private void listView1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
private void listView1_DragLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void listView1_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
private void listView1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
String[] files = (String[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
foreach (String s in files)
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(s);
private void listView1_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e)
ListViewItem[] itemTo = new ListViewItem[((ListView)sender).SelectedItems.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < itemTo.Length; i++)
itemTo[i] = ((ListView)sender).SelectedItems[i];
//System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject obj;
//System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC formatEtc;
//System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM stgMedium;
//formatEtc = new System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC()
// cfFormat = 15,
// dwAspect = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT,
// lindex = 1,
// ptd = IntPtr.Zero,
// tymed = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL
//stgMedium = new System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM()
// pUnkForRelease = null,
// tymed = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL,
// unionmember = IntPtr.Zero
//obj.SetData(formatEtc, stgMedium, true);
((ListView)(sender)).DoDragDrop(itemTo, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void listView2_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ListViewItem[])))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
private void listView2_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ListViewItem[])))
ListViewItem[] files = (ListViewItem[])e.Data.GetData(typeof(ListViewItem[]));
foreach (ListViewItem s in files)
ListViewItem item = s.Clone() as ListViewItem;
二 分析实现方法前的疑问
三 C#中Drag和Drop的实现浅析
[DefaultValue(false), SRCategory("CatBehavior"), SRDescription("ControlAllowDropDescr")]
public virtual bool AllowDrop
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
return this.GetState(0x40);
if (this.GetState(0x40) != value)
if (value && !this.IsHandleCreated)
this.SetState(0x40, value);
if (this.IsHandleCreated)
this.SetState(0x40, !value);
internal void SetAcceptDrops(bool accept)
if ((accept != this.GetState(0x80)) && this.IsHandleCreated)
if (Application.OleRequired() != ApartmentState.STA)
throw new ThreadStateException(SR.GetString("ThreadMustBeSTA"));
if (accept)
int error = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegisterDragDrop(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), new DropTarget(this));
if ((error != 0) && (error != -2147221247))
throw new Win32Exception(error);
int num2 = UnsafeNativeMethods.RevokeDragDrop(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle));
if ((num2 != 0) && (num2 != -2147221248))
throw new Win32Exception(num2);
this.SetState(0x80, accept);
catch (Exception exception)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("DragDropRegFailed"), exception);
//Registers the specified window as one that can be the target of an OLE drag-and-drop operation and specifies the IDropTarget instance to use for drop operations.
[DllImport("ole32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern int RegisterDragDrop(HandleRef hwnd, IOleDropTarget target);
//Revokes the registration of the specified application window as a potential target for OLE drag-and-drop operations.
[DllImport("ole32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern int RevokeDragDrop(HandleRef hwnd);
查看调用这2个方法时传递的参数【HandleRef(this, this.Handle), DropTarget(this)】
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential), ComVisible(true)]
public struct HandleRef
internal object m_wrapper;
internal IntPtr m_handle;
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
public HandleRef(object wrapper, IntPtr handle);
public object Wrapper { [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] get; }
public IntPtr Handle { [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] get; }
public static explicit operator IntPtr(HandleRef value);
public static IntPtr ToIntPtr(HandleRef value);
第一个参数传递的是一个HandleRef,它包装一个托管对象,该对象保存使用平台invoke(调用)传递给非托管代码的资源句柄。如果使用平台调用来调用托管对象,而且该对象在该调用之后不在其他地方引用,则垃圾回收器有可能终结该托管对象。此操作将释放资源并使句柄无效,从而导致平台 invoke 调用失败。使用 HandleRef 包装句柄,可保证该托管对象在平台 invoke 调用完成前不被垃圾回收。
2 控件实现IDropTarget接口
public interface IDropTarget
// Methods
void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs e);
void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e);
void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e);
void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e);
public class Control : Component,IDropTarget
public event DragEventHandler DragDrop;
[SRDescription("ControlOnDragEnterDescr"), SRCategory("CatDragDrop")]
public event DragEventHandler DragEnter;
[SRCategory("CatDragDrop"), SRDescription("ControlOnDragLeaveDescr")]
public event EventHandler DragLeave;
[SRCategory("CatDragDrop"), SRDescription("ControlOnDragOverDescr")]
public event DragEventHandler DragOver;
[SRCategory("CatPropertyChanged"), SRDescription("ControlOnEnabledChangedDescr")]
protected virtual void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs drgevent);
protected virtual void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs drgevent);
protected virtual void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs drgevent);
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
void IDropTarget.OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs drgEven
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
void IDropTarget.OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs drgEvent);
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
void IDropTarget.OnDragLeave(EventArgs e);
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
void IDropTarget.OnDragOver(DragEventArgs drgEvent);
看到上面的代码,并没有什么特殊的地方, 显示的实现了IDropTarget的接口,而内部实现也相当简单,就是调用了类中相对用的方法。我们给控件注册了Drop,这样当这些事件发生时,就会调用IDropTarget接口实现的方法,进而调用我们编写的事件处理方法,实现拖拽。但是这个过程又是如何连接起来的呢?
3 控件注册和调用的实现
[ComImport, Guid("00000122-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
public interface IOleDropTarget
int OleDragEnter([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object pDataObj, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int grfKeyState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)] long pt, [In, Out] ref int pdwEffect);
int OleDragOver([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int grfKeyState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)] long pt, [In, Out] ref int pdwEffect);
int OleDragLeave();
int OleDrop([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object pDataObj, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int grfKeyState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)] long pt, [In, Out] ref int pdwEffect);
我们的控件要实现拖拽,必须实现 IOleDropTarget中的方法;我们在要使用时,不需要去调用DropEnter等方法,而是调用DoDragDrop,这个方法会在相应操作时调用对应的方法。
internal class DropTarget : UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget
// Fields
private IDataObject lastDataObject;
private DragDropEffects lastEffect;
private IDropTarget owner;
// Methods
public DropTarget(IDropTarget owner)
this.owner = owner;
private DragEventArgs CreateDragEventArgs(object pDataObj, int grfKeyState, NativeMethods.POINTL pt, int pdwEffect)
IDataObject data = null;
if (pDataObj == null)
data = this.lastDataObject;
else if (pDataObj is IDataObject)
data = (IDataObject) pDataObj;
else if (pDataObj is IDataObject)
data = new DataObject(pDataObj);
return null;
DragEventArgs args = new DragEventArgs(data, grfKeyState, pt.x, pt.y, (DragDropEffects) pdwEffect, this.lastEffect);
this.lastDataObject = data;
return args;
private int GetX(long pt)
return (int) (((ulong) pt) & 0xffffffffL);
private int GetY(long pt)
return (int) (((ulong) (pt >> 0x20)) & 0xffffffffL);
int UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget.OleDragEnter(object pDataObj, int grfKeyState, long pt, ref int pdwEffect)
NativeMethods.POINTL pointl = new NativeMethods.POINTL();
pointl.x = this.GetX(pt);
pointl.y = this.GetY(pt);
DragEventArgs e = this.CreateDragEventArgs(pDataObj, grfKeyState, pointl, pdwEffect);
if (e != null)
pdwEffect = (int) e.Effect;
this.lastEffect = e.Effect;
pdwEffect = 0;
return 0;
int UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget.OleDragLeave()
return 0;
int UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget.OleDragOver(int grfKeyState, long pt, ref int pdwEffect)
NativeMethods.POINTL pointl = new NativeMethods.POINTL();
pointl.x = this.GetX(pt);
pointl.y = this.GetY(pt);
DragEventArgs e = this.CreateDragEventArgs(null, grfKeyState, pointl, pdwEffect);
pdwEffect = (int) e.Effect;
this.lastEffect = e.Effect;
return 0;
int UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget.OleDrop(object pDataObj, int grfKeyState, long pt, ref int pdwEffect)
NativeMethods.POINTL pointl = new NativeMethods.POINTL();
pointl.x = this.GetX(pt);
pointl.y = this.GetY(pt);
DragEventArgs e = this.CreateDragEventArgs(pDataObj, grfKeyState, pointl, pdwEffect);
if (e != null)
pdwEffect = (int) e.Effect;
pdwEffect = 0;
this.lastEffect = DragDropEffects.None;
this.lastDataObject = null;
return 0;
系统在调用时是这样的 : 当拖拽的对象落一个窗体中时,检查是窗体的句柄是否注册,如果没有注册不能进行拖拽操作。如果已经注册,则根据注册是传入的第二个参数,根据鼠标的操作,调用IDropTarget(COM)接口的方法。在.NET中,控件没有直接实现此接口,而是调用了DropTarget对象中实现的接口方法,而此对象保存了注册时控件的一个引用,通过控件对象引用,调用了IDropTarget(.NET)接口的方法。这样,我们的控件就间接的实现了IDropTarget(COM)接口 ,具备了拖拽的功能。
4 控件拖动功能的实现
internal interface ISupportOleDropSource
// Methods
// Gives visual feedback to an end user during a drag-and-drop operation.
void OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs gfbevent);
// Determines whether a drag-and-drop operation should continue.
void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs qcdevent);
这是一个没有公开的接口,所以MSDN上无法搜索到这个接口的信息.同样也存在一个联系这2个接口的对象DropSource。其中包含了一个ISupportOleDropSource peer的对象; 这里运行的方式和前面DropTarget完全一样。
internal class DropSource : UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropSource
// Fields
private const int DragDropSCancel = 0x40101;
private const int DragDropSDrop = 0x40100;
private const int DragDropSUseDefaultCursors = 0x40102;
private ISupportOleDropSource peer;
// Methods
public DropSource(ISupportOleDropSource peer);
public int OleGiveFeedback(int dwEffect);
public int OleQueryContinueDrag(int fEscapePressed, int grfKeyState);
在最开始,我们实现拖拽时,并不需要实现这2个方法,这2个方法只是用来显示拖拽效果和指示能否进行拖拽的,我们并没有显示的用到。在我们最开始的列子,我们是通过一个ItemDrag事件,调用 DoDragDrop方法来进行Drag操作。我们还是先来看看这个方法吧。
5 DoDragDrop的实现分析
[UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Clipboard=UIPermissionClipboard.OwnClipboard)]
public DragDropEffects DoDragDrop(object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
int[] finalEffect = new int[1];
UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropSource dropSource = new DropSource(this);
IDataObject dataObject = null;
if (data is IDataObject)
dataObject = (IDataObject) data;
DataObject obj3 = null;
if (data is IDataObject)
obj3 = new DataObject((IDataObject) data);
obj3 = new DataObject();
dataObject = obj3;
SafeNativeMethods.DoDragDrop(dataObject, dropSource, (int) allowedEffects, finalEffect);
catch (Exception exception)
if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(exception))
return (DragDropEffects) finalEffect[0];
SafeNativeMethods.DoDragDrop(dataObject, dropSource, (int) allowedEffects, finalEffect);
[DllImport("ole32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern int DoDragDrop(IDataObject dataObject, UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropSource dropSource, int allowedEffects, int[] finalEffect);
- dataObject — 是要传递的数据,实现了IDataObject接口,就是我们的data参数;
- dropSource — 这是实现了IOleDropSource接口对象,就是我们.NET的DropSource对象,包装了control对象;
- allowedEffects — 是我在从控件拖拽时,要实现的效果。
- finalEffect — 是在拖拽中,对source操作的效果。
If you are developing an application that can act as a data source for an OLE drag-and-drop operation, you must call DoDragDrop when you detect that the user has started an OLE drag-and-drop operation.
The DoDragDrop function enters a loop in which it calls various methods in the IDropSource and IDropTarget interfaces. (For a successful drag-and-drop operation, the application acting as the data source must also implement IDropSource, while the target application must implement IDropTarget.)
- The DoDragDrop function determines the window under the current cursor location. It then checks to see if this window is a valid drop target.
- If the window is a valid drop target, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::DragEnter. This method supplies an effect code indicating what would happen if the drop actually occurred. For a list of valid drop effects, see the DROPEFFECT enumeration.
- DoDragDrop calls IDropSource::GiveFeedback with the effect code so that the drop source interface can provide appropriate visual feedback to the user. The pDropSource pointer passed into DoDragDrop specifies the appropriate IDropSource interface.
- DoDragDrop tracks mouse cursor movements and changes in the keyboard or mouse button state.
- If the user moves out of a window, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::DragLeave
- If the mouse enters another window, DoDragDrop determines if that window is a valid drop target and then calls IDropTarget::DragEnter for that window.
- If the mouse moves but stays within the same window, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::DragOver.
- If there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state, DoDragDrop calls IDropSource::QueryContinueDrag and determines whether to continue the drag, to drop the data, or to cancel the operation based on the return value.
- If the return value is S_OK, DoDragDrop first calls IDropTarget::DragOver to continue the operation. This method returns a new effect value and DoDragDrop then calls IDropSource::GiveFeedback with the new effect so appropriate visual feedback can be set. For a list of valid drop effects, see the DROPEFFECT enumeration. IDropTarget::DragOver and IDropSource::GiveFeedback are paired so that as the mouse moves across the drop target, the user is given the most up-to-date feedback on the mouse’s position.
- If the return value is DRAGDROP_S_DROP, DoDragDrop calls IDropTarget::Drop. The DoDragDrop function returns the last effect code to the source, so the source application can perform the appropriate operation on the source data, for example, cut the data if the operation was a move.
- If the return value is DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL, the DoDragDrop function calls IDropTarget::DragLeave.
总的来说当用户调用DoDragDrop方法以后,就进入到一个循环中。 此方法会一直跟中鼠标,检查鼠标所在的窗体是否实现IDropTarget,如果实现了则调用DropEnter,并通过调用GiveFeedBack来显示效果。而在鼠标在控件上时,调用DropOVer,并也是通过GiveFeedBack来显示效果。而当进入到另一个窗体时重复上面的过程。 如果在拖拽过程中,键盘或鼠标按键发生变化,可以通过QueryContinueDrag来检查是否能继续操作,根据不同的返回结果,调用DropOVer或DropLeave。
四 总结